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Top 10:

1. Svetlana
Gender: female
Country: Russia
Hobby: gardering

2. Natalia
Age: 46
Gender: female
Country: Poland
Hobby: other

3. Хаустова Ирина Анта
Age: 65
Gender: female
Country: Russia
Hobby: travel,

4. Sofia (Kateryna - mo
Age: 4
Gender: female
Country: Russia
email: friendship.with1@yandex.r
Hobby: sport,
I am Kateryna, Sofia's mother. I would like to find friends for Sofia. She is a very good child. She likes singing, dancing, playing soccer. She is a very active girl, friendly and kind.

5. G
Age: 14
Gender: male
Country: Ukraine
Hobby: travel, games, family, science, art, health, music, sport, movie,
Thank you!

6. Maria
Age: 23
Gender: female
Country: United Kingdom
Hi there! I'm Maria from Cheboksary (Russia). I work as an English teacher. And want to lern more and more, to improve my English skills as well. I like travelling, riding a bicycle, listening to music and ... learning new things. You may write me. I look forward to your letter.

7. Alexandra
Age: 14
Gender: female
Country: Russia
Hobby: games, movie, computers-internet, reading,
Hi, I want to make new friends!💕

8. Irina Kisil
Age: 41
Gender: female
Country: Russia
Hobby: travel, family, reading, gardering

9. Kirill
Age: 12
Gender: male
Country: Russia
Hobby: sport, other
Hello! My name's Kirill, and I'm 12 years old. I go in for sports, I like to play volleyball, listen to music and dram. And also I prefer computer and telephone games.

10. Victoriya
Age: 12
Gender: female
Country: Russia
Hobby: art, music, other
Hello, My name's Victoriya and I am 12 years old.I am from Russia,and I've got one sister and one brother. In my free time I often draw and listen to music

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